About Awingu

  • In June 2022, Corel® Corporation, home to the Parallels® brand, acquired Awingu.
  • The acquisition strengthens Corel’s ability to securely deliver virtual applications and desktops.
  • While both Awingu and Parallels RAS enable access to virtual workspaces, they each have their strengths and cater to different use cases.

Learn more about the benefits of implementing Awingu in your organization.

What is Awingu?

Awingu is a unified browser-based workspace that offers secure access to company files and software, including cloud-based and legacy web and SaaS applications.

Key Benefits of Awingu

  • End users can access their resources via any browser or OS.
  • Agents are not required on the remote session hosts or for anything installed on end user devices.
  • Aggregates all files and applications, e.g., web, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)-based apps, or desktops, into one online workspace with one login.
  • Components are packaged into a single Linux-based virtual appliance that can be deployed on-premises or on any cloud.

Zero Trust Security

Awingu focuses strongly on security and ease of use for both end users and IT administrators. It can help your business create a zero trust environment to protect your assets.

Zero trust is a cybersecurity strategy that helps secure organizations by eliminating implicit trust and continuously validating every stage of digital interaction.

Common Awingu Use Cases

Below are a few examples of how Awingu can be utilized in your organization. For a more thorough and detailed list of use cases, please get in touch.

Replace a
VPN solution

Implement a more secure solution that includes multi-factor authentication (MFA) and is simple to deploy, manage, and scale.

Easily manage
and share files

Enable users to access, share, and edit files, along with other published resources, efficiently and securely from workspace apps.

Enable session

Record and store user sessions based on specific resources, such as apps or desktops, or by specific users such as external contractors.

Deliver legacy and SaaS
apps from any browser

Securely access legacy and SaaS applications through the Awingu web client, using single sign-on (SSO) for fast login.

If you’re looking for an application delivery and virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) solution running on-premises and/or in the cloud with the ability to provision and scale workloads, check out our full library of Parallels RAS use cases.

Interested in learning more about Awingu?

Find out how Awingu can help your business